Photographs of Garmin GPS III Plus

The screen shots are pretty much self explanatory, someday I'll get more time to make some words to go with it.

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(above) I made this while walking to class at Utah State University, hence it is a bit fuzzy, but I wanted the data display to show some numbers. The sky was cloudy and that made the display a bit hard to photograph, so I have contrast-enhanced the screen. It looks fine, but is hard to photograph in such circumstances.

Next, several photographs of the screen while driving slowly in my truck. Each is a bit fuzzy (sorry!) but it will do for now. These are all genuine photos from a customer (me!). I have a nice night-time image that I have lying around here somewhere showing that the buttons glow in the dark along with the screens.

These are a bit fuzzy since I was driving slowly and taking pictures. The dust is genuine southeastern Utah dust from my adventures around Hanksville and Canyonlands National Park, dust that shook off a small piece of mica. The mica itself broke into a million pieces so it wasn't quite metamorphosed into mica yet from the other stuff, gypsum I think. Anyway, GPS helped me find the dust so it is fitting for the GPS to be sitting in it. Good thing it is watertight. But is it "dust tight"? We shall soon find out!

Okay, it is a couple of months later now, the GPS has been dusted, bounced around, and splashed in the Lagoon™ amusement park "Rattlesnake Rapids" float ride. It works fine.

The compass rose is really cool; not all that necessary on the ground but for boaters and aviators it could be useful. Still, I used it to get back to my truck after wandering around in Goblin Valley where I could not see the truck because of the hundreds of big lumpy stone things.