1997 September Stereoscopy Magazine

The cover image is inspired by Mark Kershaw's stereo cinema film snippet, the spherical lens article by Rex Julian, and Ray Moxom's article about the Sputnik Camera (reflective glass lenses requiring a shade). It was a difficult cover; since the articles follow no particular theme; but this raytraced image allows me to gather several themes together.

Normal viewing (left image to left eye) used for the cover.

Cross-eyed viewing.

Table of Contents

2 Editor's Page

4 16 mm Cine 3-D -- How I Achieve It [Normal] [Cross-Eyed] Mark H. Kershaw

7 Spherical Abberation [Image of page 7] [Image of page 8] Rex Julian

9 Pathfinder -- Stereo Photographs From Mars by the Editor

12 R. P. Smith in Honolulu

15 Corrected copy of 1996 Financial Report

18 How I Did the Composite Stereo Photograph Paul Milligan

20 Salon

22 A 35mm Olympus Trip 35 Stereocamera [Normal] [Cross-Eyed] Henrik Meyer

24 Sputnik: Space Junk or Stereo Camera? Ray Moxom

26 Country Representative Page -- Switzerland by Stephen O'Neil

31 Advertisements -- new this issue: Cygnus Graphic & Dragan Smekal


I must make correction and apology to a fine photographer whose name I spelled incorrectly; it should be:

Peter Schnehagen

whose photographs appeared on the cover and inside the June issue and also repeated in different format in this issue.


41st Wichita International Exhibition of Photography. 8 Divisions; including Stereo slides and cards. PSA (Photographic Society of America) awards will be given. Closing date for entries is March 2, 1998. Selection panel for stereo includes H. Lee Pratt, June Moore, and Edgar Lower. Request information from:

Wichita Photo Exhibitors Society
Mary Ann Rhoda, Exhibition Dir.
P.O. Box 8021
Wichita, Kansas  67208-0021