GIMP Script for making Greyscale Anaglyph
Right click and save
this script in your scripts directory or folder underneath GIMP. In the case of Windows XP, the location is c:\documents
and settings\username\.gimp-2.6\scripts\ (substitute your profile name and GIMP version number).
Restart GIMP or run the script refresh function. In Linux it is your home directory ~/.gimp-2.6/scripts/.
It will show up on the main menu bar as an item called "Stereo". If it doesn't, you probably need to refresh your
scripts: Click "Filter", then "Script-Fu", then "Refresh Scripts".
To use it, open the RIGHT image first, either by file -> open in GIMP or by drag-and-drop the image file onto it. If
you are using drag-and-drop, drag the LEFT image onto the first image. This creates layers. The main menu bar will
have a new item called "Stereo" and you can put your various stereo making scripts under it. The one called Make GS Anaglyph
will hopefully be there. Run it. When done, the top layer remains moveable so you can use the move tool to position it accurately,
then merge the layers down ("flatten image"), crop it and save it. I highly recommend "Save As" and choose a JPEG quality setting
of 94 or higher to eliminate edge artifacts caused by JPEG chroma resampling at lower quality settings.
The following pages constitute a slide show and photo selector. These are
anaglyphs; red lens for your left eye, cyan lens for your right eye.
All photos by Michael G. Gordon. Permission granted for noncommercial use
including archiving, reproducing and aggregating in collections.
The slide show itself is intended for sequential viewing of a collection of photographs.
Each page includes in its title bar, and underneath, the file name of the photo. This is useful when corresponding to someone about the photo.
To advance to the next photo: Clicking on the photo advances you to the next photo
unless you are on a thumbnail or zoomed photo, in which case clicking it takes you to the 'normal' size.
Below each photo is a set of links (buttons) to advance, return, or exit the slide show.
To download an image: Right click the image and choose "save image as."
Each photo includes a button to ZOOM to a larger size. This size is intended to fill the screen
for closer inspection, or for saving as a computer 'wallpaper', or for download to your disk
for use in newsletters and other medium-resolution needs.
A thumbnail gallery is available for visually selecting photos.
If you choose this option, clicking a thumbnail puts you into the slide show
at the photo chosen; from there the slide show proceeds with the remainder of the show.