Lens Comparisons
This page features "progressions" of the same subject using
lenses of increasing magnification.
Hawk Nest nearby
Mountain 4.4 miles Featuring the microwave passive reflectors on the mountain.
Pasture and horses nearby
Nikon D700, ISO 320 used for all of the telephoto shots. Contrast
and some color adjustment in Photoshop Essentials 6.
Lenses used, one or more of the following:
- 24-70mm f2.8 Nikkor Zoom. This is the big full-frame model.
- 500mm f8 "Five Star" brand el-cheapo long lens. Surprisingly it works
quite well but near focus is not "near" (about 25 feet). It is also
rather long (half a meter!). It has f-stops up to about 32.
- 500mm f8 "Cambron" brand mirror lens. Very compact and lightweight.
Like all mirror lenses, fixed at f8 (not adjustable). It focuses very
close (1.7 meters, about 5 feet) for a 1::3 reproduction ratio.
- 1000mm f10 "Celestron" brand Maksutov mirror telescopic lens.
Not all that impressive and a bit clunky to use, but it does get in
- 1400mm f14 Swarovski spotting telescope. It's rather dark as you
might infer from f14, so a fast camera is a good thing to attach to it.
The Nikon D700 is very fast so this is a good combination.